Patrons are strongly encouraged to select Refundable Booking when purchasing their tickets through Ludus, Rogue Machine’s primary ticketing service. Refundable Booking enables you to receive a 100% refund from Ludus for one of the many reasons included in their Terms and Conditions, available here. Purchases that did not include Refundable Booking are nonrefundable. To receive a refund, patrons will need to follow the instructions provided by Ludus.
Rogue Machine Theatre is only responsible for providing refunds to patrons who purchased a ticket through Ludus for a performance that we canceled, regardless of Refundable Booking. This refund will only be issued after the patron has confirmed they are unable to attend any future performance of this production and does not apply on closing weekends. Furthermore, this refund will only cover the cost of the ticket(s) and excludes any service or convenience fees collected by Ludus.
Tickets purchased through any other ticketing service are always final and nonrefundable.
Discount codes and special offers can not be retroactively applied towards a purchase.
With the exception of closing weekend, patrons that connect with the Box Office (info@roguemachinetheatre.com) a minimum of four (4) hours prior to the published curtain time may exchange their tickets to a different performance of the same production, pending availability.
If appropriate and necessary, tickets may also be rescheduled for a different production currently playing, pending availability. Any variance in ticket prices will be the responsibility of the patron.
Preview and Show4Less ticket rates are only valid at these designated performances. If the original ticket(s) are for a preview or a Show4Less performance, patrons will need to pay for any variance in ticket prices for the new ticket(s). Payment will be handled at the theater upon arrival. The theater accepts cash, checks, credit cards, or venmo.
Online ticket sales turn off two (2) hours prior to the published curtain time. Any remaining tickets may be purchased at the theater, pending availability. The theater accepts cash, checks, credit cards, or venmo for in person transactions.
Late seating is at the discretion of the onsite Rogue Machine staff and can not be guaranteed.
Based on the needs of the production, if late seating is possible, the onsite staff will seat you at an appropriate moment. No late seating will be accommodated after the first 20 minutes of any performance.
If the production can not facilitate late seating, as a courtesy, the onsite Rogue Machine staff will make every possible effort to reschedule your ticket(s) for a future performance, pending availability, except for closing weekend.
Refunds will not be issued for latecomers.
Patrons that require assistance or special accommodations should make note of such needs in the space provided when purchasing tickets through Ludus. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate a patron’s needs. We encourage patrons with accessibility needs to email info@roguemachinetheatre.com prior to the performance to discuss available options.
We do not have a dedicated parking lot for patrons. As such, patrons are responsible for securing public parking near and around the theater and are reminded to adhere to all posted parking notices.
Rogue Machine Theatre is not responsible for any citations, infractions, towing or stolen property.
We strongly recommend patrons arrive at least one half hour prior to the published curtain time.
Rogue Machine Theatre reserves the right to refuse admission or expel any person(s) whose conduct is deemed by Rogue Machine staff to be disorderly, disruptive or otherwise fails to adhere to socially accepted decorum. Ticket holders expressly assume all liability for risk and danger incidental to the ticketed performance.
Photography and any other type of recording is strictly prohibited during any performance, unless authorized by Rogue Machine Theatre.
Your ticket purchase serves as consent to appear in authorized photographs and video made in public areas of The Matrix Theatre and releases Rogue Machine Theatre, The Matrix Theatre, and all others from liability resulting from the use of such media.
Patrons who leave an item at the theater may reach out to info@roguemachinetheatre.com to inquire about their missing property.
We assume no liability or responsibility for items left behind on the premises.
Rogue Machine Theatre adheres to all local and state requirements concerning the handling of COVID-19 and has implemented all necessary conditions. These requirements are subject to change, without notice.
As of May 1, 2023, masking is at the discretion of the patron and proof of vaccination is not required.
Your attendance at any of our performances acknowledges your understanding that visiting any in-person event may expose you to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen and unforeseen, related and unrelated to COVID-19. Your attendance further releases Rogue Machine Theatre, The Matrix Theatre, and all others from any liability or responsibility for any injury or illness to you or anyone you may come in contact with.
If you are feeling sick or exhibiting any COVID-19-like symptoms, or if you have been exposed to COVID-19 within five (5) days of your performance, we recommend you stay home and contact our Box Office (info@roguemachinetheatre.com) for guidance.